CastleBranch supports academic and career success. When clients order background screening services, they may choose to provide students, faculty or applicants with myCB, a free personal account that guides users through their compliance requirements.

CastleBranch has been facilitating background screening services for colleges and universities since 1997, and students from more than half of the nation's colleges and universities use CastleBranch to help them achieve their goals during school and into their careers.

CastleBranch Corporation is one of the top 10 compliance management and background screening companies in the country. Headquartered in Wilmington, North Carolina, CastleBranch Corporation provides solutions in the areas of background screening, drug testing, employment verification, record review, document management and other related compliance management services.

The company works with a wide range of employers, colleges and universities, various nonprofit organizations, healthcare institutions, law firms and others.